Plato’s Closet

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I am a huge fan of recycling fashion and I feel an increasing number of millennial’s and younger generations are getting into a more sustainable habit. I truthfully didn’t even fully understand I was helping the planet by shopping second hand clothing. I just really love anything vintage and bringing old trends back into style. Plus, second hand shops are a college students best friend as they have super forgiving prices but with name brands we all know and love.

When I went to Virginia to visit my family during Spring break, my cousin brought me to Plato’s Closet. A few years back we scored some good deals at Goodwill, but we wanted to try something different based off of her previous success at the store and good overall reviews online. I have to say, once I stepped into the building I knew it was going to be trouble – everything caught my eye and I wanted to buy everything! Of course, it’s a completely different story when you actually have to try them all one and nothing fits! However, I did manage to stay on budget, not buy too much so it can all fit in my luggage, and get super cute items for a low cost. So I got 3 items: a leather bag, a halter sunflower dress, and a long white short sleeve shirt dress.



I absolutely love everything I bought. And as you can see I was able to customize the white t-shirt dress (the brand is Asos BTW) because I am short, I felt the material was just taking over my body. With some casual heels and the knot in the front really pulled the outfit together for me. For the dress, I just needed a nice flowy summer dress and this one is so comfy! And lastly, the intricate detail on the bag is simplistic, but still a statement piece that I am in love with!

So I highly encourage all of you to look into a more sustainable way to shop and visit your local second hand or vintage shop. Another one that is on my wish list is Buffalo Exchange in New York!

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